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Copyright (c) 2012- Akira Kamita
Ž†“c ²‚Ι‚ζ‚ι Ž“IŠG‰ζ‚ΜŽŽ‚έ Attempt of poetic painting by Akira Kamita
Super-string Theory Series
ƒA[ƒgƒMƒƒƒ‰ƒŠ[‹βΐ Šι‰ζ Project by Art Gallery Ginza Ž†“c² Vμ“W Akira Kamita's new work exhibition

'12.6.11 - 16 11:30-19:00 (ΕI“ϊ‚Ν16:00‚ά‚Ε) (The final day to 16:00)
[ƒA[ƒgƒMƒƒƒ‰ƒŠ[‹βΐ] Šι‰ζ [Project by Art Gallery Ginza, Tokyo]

[“WŽ¦—\’θ] [Plan of display]

Poetic art by KAMITA, Akira

Akira Kamita, the artist of "Super-string Theory" series, the 26th exhibition

”z’u}—\’θPDF (173KB) plan of display, PDF (173KB)


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