緑字斎一家、アメリカ大陸横断記 8月9日


#: 44153 S1/United States
09-Aug-89 00:29:02
Fm: AKIRA KAMITA 71721,1645
To: all

After all, we are in Ithaca, via Windsor, London, both of Niagara falls, Buffalo and Geneva.
I wanted more time, but hope the next time.
We'll stay here 2 days, and we'll hike around Cayuga Lake tomorrow, for not crowded like another famous place of interest.
We'd like to have a little rest at the end of our trip, because we had 3,800 miles here.
We'll arrive at N.Y.C. Thurseday. We must have a reservation of acommodation in N.Y.C., for with children.
Well, where will I book to stay at N.Y.C.?

I could not find the "Tunnel BBQ". There was a restaurant named "United ... BBQ", but that was closed for Aug. 6 Sunday.
Instead of that, I had a good fresh lobster the day befor yesterday, and I ate a delicious BBQ at the street of students in Buffalo yesterday.

Then I'll go to N.Y.C., so my trip that drive to across the U.S.A. will be completed.

My route untill now;
Jul. 21 Hollywood - 22 New Port - 23 Needles - 24 Grand Canyon(I could not had the lodging in the park) - 25 Kayenta - 26 Cortez - 27 Durango - 28 Salida - 29 Denver - 30 Loveland - 31 Custer - Aug. 1 Chamberlain - 2 Albert Lea - 3, 4 Rockford - 5 Ann Arbor - 6 Londoa - 7 Buffalo - 8 Ithaca
My travel is following...
Thanks for your cheering, everybody!
Akira Kamita, 71721,1645


