紙田彰「詩的絵画の試み」 Akira Kamita "Attempt of poetic painting"

[制作コンセプト] [Production concept] 2007.3

■特徴 ==Feature of works

Imbedding the hemp rope, palm rope and the cotton thread etc. to the canvas, I paint large quantities of oil paints many times repeatedly. It is repeated scratting by the needle and grinding with the sandpaper, while painting the canvas. By doing that, the conceptual image is progressed that based on the expression of the 'matiele' with the real existence feeling. In addition, exposure of masking part; folding of canvas; exposure of wooden framework, and so on.

■テーマ ==Theme

この2年余りのテーマは、量子論と相対性理論をつなぐ「Super-string Theory(超ひも理論)」の思考イメージならびに抑圧と自由の問題。「人間とは何か、存在とはどういうことか、宇宙はどうなっているのか」を思索することにより、その思考イメージをキャンバスに表現している。

Theme of these two years is the image of idea about "Super-string Theory" that connects quantum theory and relativity, also is the problem of oppression and freedom. the image of idea has been expressed to the canvas by contemplating“What is human beings, what is existence and how does universe become?".
Put emphasis on work production as the act of body, and it appears to the texture of 'matiele', it is sure to become an expression of the problem of "Real existence".
Though I think that the source of work creation is in the primitivity of act, but that has meant the release impulse of the inside world which is accumulated from base point of existence.
In addition, the production such as "the consideration of cosmological theory and quantum theory" and the composition of poetry announced at the same time with WEB and the pamphlet for the exhibition and the distribution, etc. has been converged on the field also that is created canvas.
Using many strings is practical image of the super string theory. But, scratching, grinding, exposure and folding of the canvas are related to the following. Problem concerning the multilayer pile of plane surface. What meanings are to wrap the actuality and to turn to the reverse side? Curvature space of Riemannian geometry. Problem of dimension, etc.
In the near future, as for problem of substance and universe there is a possibility of becoming clear depending upon super string theory. Big turning of sense of values and world views is getting near, I am strongly touched off as an artist by that.
Furthermore, I set up the production plan of the work to every private exhibition, according to the plan, I produce large and small size works as an individual theme of the super string series, and has announced energetically. (As for series works which are produced in these 2 years, there are 100 items or more including about 20 items above size 100.)

(Please see "Attempt of a poetic painting" or "Akira Kamita's World" for details. )