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紙田彰の世界 TOPへ => Top of Akira Kamita's World to HOME, 紙田彰の世界 HOMEへ
Copyright by Akira Kamita (NAOEYA, Ryokujisai), 1991- .
紙田 彰による 詩的絵画の試み An experiment of the poetic painting by Akira Kamita.


画像をclickすると、作品が表示されます。 オリーブ色の枠は油彩画です。 When the image is done in click, the work is displayed. An olive frame is oil paintings.

2000.12. 25 大動脈解離を発症 Became aortic dissection.
2001. 5 突然、油絵を描き出す…… Suddenly, I began to paint in oils......
2001.10 公募展への出品を始める I started participation in the public advertisement exhibition.
2003. 6 個展活動を始める I started the exhibition activity.

[今月の新作]追加 [New work this month] (2012.5.15)

画像をクリックすると、個別の作品ページが表示されます。 When the image is clicked, an individual work page is displayed.

oil painting, acrylic, mixed media..., on canvas, paper...

●[制作コンセプト] ==[Production concept]

●「超ひもシリーズ」作品解説ページ ==["Super-string series" work explanation page]

●Postcard exhibition ==[Postcard exhibition]
<001> 2007.12

●個展 ==[private exhibition]
<25th> Exhibition: 2011.2.14-19, 紙田 彰 新作展25th 「うたがい」 Akira Kamita Art Exhibition25th "Doubt" , [ 銀座・小野美術画廊 ] , Ono Art Gallery, Ginza

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<24th> Exhibition: 2010.4.5-17, special plan, 紙田 彰 作品展24th 油彩―研ぎ出しとスクラッチング Akira Kamita Art Exhibition24th Oil painting -- Polishing and scratching. , [ 銀座・小野美術画廊 特別企画 ] , Ono Art Gallery, Ginza, special plan

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<23rd> Exhibition: 2008.12.1-6, D-brane, Universe sheet: 反粒子のある宇宙面 Universe sheet: with anti-particle , [ 小野画廊・京橋 ] , Ono Gallery Kyobashi, Tokyo.

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<22nd> Exhibition: 2008.09.8-13, D-brane, 宇宙論の造形 Forming of cosmology , [ 小野画廊・京橋 ] , Ono Gallery Kyobashi, Tokyo.

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room
=> 「美術衝動」PDF

<21st> Exhibition: 2008.01.14-19 Blotting Method II , [ 銀座小野画廊 ] , Ono Gallery Ginza, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<20th> Exhibition: 2007.09.03-8 Super-string series 'D-brane' , [ 小野画廊 京橋 ] , Ono Gallery Kyobashi, Tokyo.

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<19th> Exhibition: 2007.05.07-12  紙田 彰「宇宙論の造形」, [ 京橋・小野ギャラリー ] Akira Kamita 'Forming of cosmology', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 解説PDF Explanation PDF
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<18th> Exhibition: 2007.2.5-10  紙田 彰 油彩大作展, [ 京橋・小野ギャラリー ] Akira Kamita 'Oil painting masterpiece exhibition', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
=> Postcard PDF
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room
=> 詩と断片パンフ「Super-string」(PDF 322KB) Pamphlet of poetry and fragment 'Super-string'(PDF 322KB)

<17th> Exhibition: 2007.1.8-13  紙田 彰「10-44sec. ―重力の発生」展, [ 京橋・小野ギャラリー ] Akira Kamita exhibition '10-44sec.--Occurrence of gravity', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.

=> Postcard
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room
=> 詩と断片パンフ「Super-string」 Pamphlet of poetry and fragment 'Super-string' (PDF 322KB)

<16th> Exhibition: 2006.12.11-16  紙田 彰「超ひも理論の思考イメージ」展, [ 京橋・小野ギャラリー ] Akira Kamita ehibition 'Idea image of superstring theory', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
 実在というプランク・サイズ。 Planck size of real existence.
=> Postcard
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<15th> Exhibition: 2006.9.11-16  「超ひも」シリーズの画家 「紙田 彰 作品展」, [ 銀座・小野画廊 ] Painter of "Super-string" series 'Akira Kamita work exhibition', Ono gallery, Ginza, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<14th> Exhibition: 2006.7.17-25  「超ひも」シリーズの画家・紙田彰 「10-36秒」, [ 京橋・小野ギャラリー ] Akira Kamita, painter of "Super-string" series '10-36second', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
 この恐るべき瞬間の時間サイズ。 Time size at this redoubtable trice

=> Postcard
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<13th> Exhibition: 2006.5.29-6.3  量子レベルの解放衝動―「超ひも」シリーズの画家・紙田彰, [ 京橋・小野ギャラリー ] Liberating impulse at quantum leve--Akira Kamita, painter of "Super-string" series, Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<12th> Exhibition: 2006.4.24-29  「超ひも」シリーズの画家・紙田彰展 12th, [ 銀座・小野画廊 II(地下A・B室) ] 12th exhibition of Akira Kamita, painter of "Super-string" series, Ono gallery II(underground A & B room), Ginza, Tokyo.
--Search for liberating impulse at quantum level.
Selective real existence that peels off
It spills like turning over the layer.

=> Postcard
=> Postor PDF
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 頒布用図録PDF(両面印刷用) Catalog PDF for distribution(for double-side printing)
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<11th> Exhibition: 2006.1.9-14  紙田 彰 企画展「解放衝動の発生」, [ 京橋 ギャラリー・小野 ] Akira Kamita project exhibition 'Generation of liberating impulse', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
 重ね合わされた量子に、人間存在の現実を見るという思考実験 In the overlapped quantum, it is the idea truth of seeing the reality of the man existence.

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<10th> Exhibition: 2005.9.26-10.1  "6.5メートルの油彩+α" 展 (画廊企画), [ 京橋 ギャラリー・小野 ] Art gallery project exhibition'Oil painting of 6.5 meters + α', Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
 急遽、開催決定。6.5メートルの油彩を再展示。 In haste, holding decision. The oil painting of 6.5 meters is exhibited again.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<9th> Exhibition: 2005.8.8-8.13  "Super-string Theory" 展 (画廊企画), [ 京橋 小野画廊 I ] Exhibition 'Super-string Theory', Art gallery project, Ono gallery I, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
 6.5メートルの油彩新作を展示。 The new work of the oil painting of 6.5 meters is exhibited.

=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子Exhibition room

<8th> Exhibition: 2005.6.20-7.1  油彩新作展"Super-string, White Image" (画廊企画), [ 京橋 小野画廊 I ] New oil painting exhibition 'Super-string, White Image', art gallery project, Ono gallery I, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
 第2週に制作中の6.5メートルの油彩作品の一部を展示。 A part of the oil painting work of 6.5 meters producing on the week second is exhibited.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 頒布用図録PFD(両面印刷用、391KB) Catalog PDF for distribution(for double-side printing, 391KB)
=> PDF for flier
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<7th> Exhibition: 2005.4.25-30  作品展 "Super-string" (画廊企画), [ 京橋 小野画廊 I ] Work exhibition 'Super-string', art gallery project, Ono gallery I, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
=> Postcard(PDF 129KB)
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 頒布用図録PDF(両面印刷用、236KB) Catalog PDF for distribution(for double-side printing, 2361KB)
=> PDF for flier
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<6th> Exhibition: 2005.3.28-4.2  作品展 "What's Freedom?" (画廊企画), [ 京橋 ギャラリー・小野 ] Work exhibition 'What's Freedom?', art gallery project, Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 頒布用図録PFD(両面印刷用、595KB) Catalog PDF for distribution(for double-side printing, 595KB)
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<5th> Exhibition: 2004.11.7-13  油彩新作展 "自由とは何か" (画廊企画), [ 銀座・小野画廊 ] New oil painting exhibition 'What's Freedom?', art gallery project, Ono gallery, Ginza, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
> 配布用資料PDF『小説 自由とは何か』 Material PDF for distribution 'Novel: What is freedom?'
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<4th> Exhibition: 2004.7.5-10  油絵小品展 "ANOTHER", [ 銀座・小野画廊 ] Oil painting opuscule exhibition 'ANOTHER', Ono gallery, Ginza, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<3rd> Exhibition: 2004.3.1-6  "Blotting Method"―水彩画の詩的実験 [ 小野画廊・京橋 ] 'Blotting Method'--Poetic experiment of watercolor, Ono gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 予告カード The previous notice card
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list
=> 展示室の様子 Exhibition room

<2nd> Exhibition: 2003.9.22-27  "fragments, 2nd", [ 銀座・小野画廊 II ] 'fragments, 2nd', Ono gallery II, Ginza, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list

<1st> Exhibition: 2003.6.2-7  "fragments", [ 銀座・小野画廊 II ] 'fragments', Ono gallery II, Ginza, Tokyo.
=> Postcard
=> 出品作品一覧 Exhibition work list

●小野画廊主宰 2006精鋭選抜展 2006 elite selection exhibition of Ono gallery presider 1.30-2.4 / 2.13-24
前回の個展で好評だった3.9メートルの「解放衝動の発生」の一部が3週にわたって展示されました。 A part of popular work "Generation of the liberating impulse" of 3.9 meters was exhibited for three weeks in the last exhibition.
 銀座・小野画廊 東京都中央区銀座1-9-6 第2銀緑ビル2F
Ono gallery , Ginza, Tokoy

●コンクール ==[Contest]
2003.12 第42回北陸中日美術展入選 The 42th Hokuriku Chunichi art exhibition selecting

●国際公募展 ==[International public advertisement exhibition]
2001.10 欧州美術クラブ/第3回ドローイング・デッサン・版画コンクール入選 European art club 'The 3rd drawing sketch and print contest' selecting
2001.11 第22回フィナール国際美術展入選 The 22th Finarl international art exhibition selecting
2002. 4 欧州美術クラブ/第28回スペイン美術賞展入選 European art club 'The 28th Spanish art prize exhibition' selecting'

●国内公募展 ==[Domestic public advertisement exhibition]
2002. 5 第47回新世紀美術協会展入選 The 47th Shinseiki art society exhibition selecting
2002. 5 第37回たぶろう展入選 The 37th Tableau art exhibition selecting => opus i , opus ii
2002. 6 第45回新象展入選 The 45th Shinsho art exhibition selecting => waver I , waver III
2002.10 第66回自由美術展入選 The 66th Jiyu art exhibition selecting
2003. 6 第46回新象展入選 The 46th Shinsho art exhibition selecting
2003.10 第67回自由美術展入選 The 67th Jiyu art exhibition selecting
2003.11 袋小路の0号展 The 0th size work exhibition in blind alley => The Origin , untitled(A) , untitled(B)
2004. 6 第47回新象展入選 The 47th Shinsho art exhibition selecting
2004.10 第68回自由美術展入選 The 68th Jiyu art exhibition selecting

コンクール・公募展入選作品 Contest and public advertisement exhibition selected work

--公募展活動終了-- --Public advertisement exhibition activity end--

●JAZZ CLUB 新宿PIT INN展示 ==[Exhibition in 'JAZZ CLUB Shinjuku PIT INN', Tokyo.] (2004.11〜05.8)
2005.8.1-31: 油彩作品「プルシャンブルーと光芒 A」「光の痕跡」 Oil painting work 'Plshamblu and beam of light, A', 'Signs of light'
=> Postcard(PDF 171KB)
2005.7.1-31: 油彩作品「<Super-string> spiral dimentions」 Oil painting work '<Super-string> spiral dimentions'
=> postcard(PDF 179KB)
2005.6.1-30: 油彩作品「青の幻像」 Oil painting work 'Image of blue phantom'
=> Postcard(PDF 207KB)
2005.5.2-31: 油彩作品「Sanctuary」 Oil painting work 'Sanctuary'
=> postcard(PDF 27KB)
2005.4.4-30: 油彩作品「自由とは何か」 Oil painting work 'What's freedom?'
=> Postcard(PDF 151KB)
2005.3.1-31: 油彩作品「Sorrow」「オレンジと緑によるテーマ A 」 Oil painting work 'Sorrow', 'Theme by orange and green, A'
=> Postcard
2005.2.1-28: 油彩作品「ピラミッドのある幻想」 Oil painting work 'Fantasy with pyramid'
=> Postcard
2005.1.1-31: 油彩作品「ビッグバンと空の消失」 Oil painting work 'Big-bang and empty disappearance'
=> Postcard
2004.12.1-31: 油彩作品 "Super string―JAZZを激しく浴びてからその絵は……" Oil painting work 'Super string,--After violently bathing in JAZZ, the picture ...'
=> Postcard

横浜「 BankART Studio NYK(スタジオ7) 」での制作現場を公開(F120号×4、写真家・ 神谷俊美氏 とのコラボレーション)。制作レポートを公開。
The production site in Yokohama BankART Studio NYK (studio 7) was opened to the public(F120 &temes; 4, collaboration of Toshimi Kamiya , photographer). The production report was opened to the public.

The production process of the F100 size × 5(6.5 meters) of the oil painting that began producing from 2005.5.26 before the 8th exhibitions was opened to the public in the spot, and it recorded.
It is a challenge to a new art field.

The production process of oil painting F100 size in which production began the next day of the 4th exhibition end, 2004.7.11, was opened to the public in the spot, and it recorded.
It is an attempt of improving the creative impulse more and more.

Series of Super-string Theory
Blotting Method
Blotting Method Vol.II
小シリーズ small SERIES
油彩セレクション SELECTION oil painting
水彩セレクション SELECTION watercolor

et cetera.

カテゴリー別目次 INDEX by categories
油彩作品一覧 2009-2010 list of oil painting, 2009-20010
油彩作品一覧 2008 list of oil painting, 2008
油彩作品一覧 2007 list of oil painting, 2007
油彩作品一覧 2006 list of oil painting, 2006
油彩作品一覧 2004 list of oil painting, 2004
油彩作品一覧 2003 list of oil painting, 2003
油彩作品一覧 2002 list of oil painting, 2002
油彩作品一覧 2001年5月〜 list of oil painting, 2001.5-
水彩作品一覧 I  2001年5月〜 list of watercolor I, 2001.5-
水彩作品一覧 II  2002年4月〜 list of watercolor II, 2002.4-
ACRYL作品一覧 2003年10月〜 list of acrylic, 2003.10-
fragments(水彩による詩的実験) 1991年〜 list of fragments, poetic experiment by watercolor, 1991-
fragments II (水彩による詩的実験) 2002年12月〜 list of fragments II, poetic experiment by watercolor, 2002.12-

◎作品販売について ==[About the work sales]
◎歓迎 画廊のサポート ==[Welcome, Support of art gallery]

紙田彰の世界 TOPへ => Top of Akira Kamita's World to HOME, 紙田彰の世界 HOMEへ