緑字斎一家、アメリカ大陸横断記 8月4日


Aug. 4

Sorry, I had been only through South Dakota and Minesota and Wisconsin. But I stayed at Albert Lea, on the rich river of Missouri, Aug. 2.
I must to arrive at N.Y.C. by Aug. 10, detouring from Detoroit to Montreal. So I have only a little time.
I had 3,000 miles of my way. It past over a half of my way.
I think I've come so far. Now I stay at Rockford.
Untill now, I drove on I-90, country road, following rich farms.
I saw the area of endless desert, and I had another impression from these following greens.
The difference gave me a strong impact, because it may be that the Continent of U.S.A. include the variation of the World.
I enjoyed enough only driving on this Interstate.

At the motel in Albert Lea, I could not connect to direct call for the system of motel's account, the motel needed adding of room number in the end of dialing, but I could not take a timing for the room number.
Ex; writing "9,,1,,342-2207,,,58", 58 is room number, in auto login program.
By the way, I thought I wanted to buy an acoustic couppler for 1,200 baud, the couppler for 1,200 baud didn't sall in Japan, but in the connection I could set by the pair of clips to join to tellephone lines.
I could not upload regularly, because of this.
I'll go to Detoroit tomorrow, and toward Montreal spending about a few days.
Could you tell me about any motel in Canada, and how to access more efficiency from Canada.

And, I'd like to permit what I upload the massages about "Across USA" to Japan's network, Nifty(tie-up with Compu-Serve) and PCS(Japan's first network, by Ascii that is Japan's software company). I hope that Amrican networker and Japanes networker will be more friendly.
Thanks, everybody!
Akira Kamita,71721,1645


