紙田彰「詩的絵画の試み」 Akira Kamita "Attempt of poetic painting"

[展示企画について]美術館・画廊等の展示企画、支援を求めています [About an exhibition plan] The exhibition project and the support such as museums and art galleries are requested.

■企画展示の機会を!!==The chance of the project exhibition to me!!

この2年余り、最先端の宇宙論「Super-string Theory」と存在の「解放衝動」をテーマにした油彩大作を連続的に制作しています。このWEBサイトで全作品を公開していますのでご覧ください。
また、「Super-string 超ひも」シリーズの企画展示の機会を求めています。

I have been positively doing the activity of the exhibition in Ginza and Kyobashi since 2003. (19 times as of 2007.6.)
I have continuously been producing the oil painting masterpiece that makes mMost advanced cosmology Super-string Theory and liberating impulse of existence a theme for these two years.
All works have been opened to the public on this WEB site and see, please.
Moreover, I am requesting the chance of the exhibition of the project of the "Super-string" series.
Please plan, and support the people related to the art.
(Please see "Attempt of a poetic painting" or "Akira Kamita's World" for details. )

Material PDF was prepared, and contact interesting one me, please as follows.
Super-string series パンフレット(英語版) Pamphlet PDF
  Super-string series パンフレット解説 (日本語原文)
画歴・コンセプト A career in painting and concept (160KB)
Super string series [大作]集 Masterpiece collection (869KB)
Super string series [小品]集 Short piece collection (1048KB)

[連絡先] [contact]

紙田彰 (かみた あきら) Akira Kamita
〒1340087 東京都江戸川区清新町1-1-22-105 1-1-22-105, Sheishin-cho, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, 134-0087, Japan
  Tel. +81-3-3686-5915
  Fax. +81-3-3686-5926
  E-mail akamita@a-kamita.jp akamita@a-kamita.jp