前衛画家・池田龍雄氏(右)と With Tatsuo Ikeda, avant-garde artist(right). , 2010.04.05 |
土方巽『病める舞姫』出版記念パーティ Publication commemoration party of 'Sick dancing girl' written by Tatsumi Hijikata, Initiator of BUTO. , 1983 |
美術■ =Fine art=
詩的絵画の試み(poetic art)――水彩、油彩 Attempt of poetic painting(poetic art)--watercolor and oil painting (update: 2011.2.13)連載(小説)■ =Serial(novel)=
連載小説「自由とは何か」(update 2011.12.21) Serial novel "What is freedom?"ポエジー(詩)■ =Poetry=
【紙田彰の動的作品行為】(2013.10.03) Dynamic work act of Akira Kamita (Under Construction)● *
未発表詩集『コスモロジー・デッサン』(2007年、PDF版) Unpublished anthology 'Cosmology dessin'(PDF version in 2007)詩論・散文作品■ =Poetics and prose work=
poetics――詩論(1973-74年作品) Poetics, work in 1973-74.資料■ =Material=
PDF版 幻の詩誌 Poetry magazine of mystery, PDFその他■ =Others=
エッセイ『戒厳令下の北京を訪ねて』(1989年) Essay 'Call at Beijing under the martial law. ', 1989.